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Official Black Horse 2350mm Gilmore Red Lion

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  • Vintage Racer Nice pilot choice. It even looks like Roscoe Turner.


    • Thank you, I actually have printed two in different sizes, this one is slightly larger, and I think I like it better. I gave him a bit of a lean to the left!


      Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_20221118_195952702.jpg
Views:	717
Size:	103.9 KB
ID:	361692


      • I decided to go with a pilot that is more like what Roscoe Turner might look like today!
        Attached Files


        • The pilot seen here is my third attempt in getting the size correct, as the more I research this model I realize how small the actual airplane really is. There are several videos on YouTube showing people entering and exiting the cockpit and they all struggle with the task. Even the famous female racer, Mary Haizlip.

          Wedell Williams Model 44 | No. 92 Miss LouisianaNote: This video is not owned or made by me.It's an old video that I just want to share.Enjoy!

          The model is 1/3.36 scale. My 3D printer can't really print larger than I size I have reached at this point.

          Also the area behind the pilots head is basically one large triangular head rest, so I plan on a red leather scratch built replica. The two holes in the wood is quite unsightly, and needs attention. It would be nice to replicate the pull over window as well, but MOTION does not have any canopies in stock to cut up, to build it.


          Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_20221130_174717005.jpg
Views:	725
Size:	78.7 KB
ID:	362613


          • If anyone else is putting a Saito FG-90R3 on their Model
            44 I laser cut a mounting template and can either share the file or would be happy to mail one that’s already cut to anyone in need.

            Might as well share my pilot while I’m at it….


            • WShaw3 Welcome to Hobby Squawk!

              Nice looking pilot. That radial should be a great powerplant for your Gilmore.


              • I'm very happy with that engine (Saito FG-90) on the front of mine. It's as much fun just starting the engine as it is flying the plane.


                • anyone use the UMS 7 100cc? I just bought the plane and not sure what engine. reading through the thread it seems like the extra weight would help. Thanks


                  • Depends on how much extra weight. With the Saito 90 I had to add 3 oz on the tail.


                    • Thank you


                      • With the Saito 90 in mine i was able to balance it perfectly. It just depends on placement of equipment inside. The saito 90 on a 24x10 pulls it along fantasitc!!


                        • Could anyone please reply with what size hinge pins we need? I need to hinge a new wing . I have some hinges but the radius looks too small.


                          • These hinges appear to be unique to Black Horse. I wound up having to get a hardware set to get them.


                            • I think the Robarts 3/16" hinges will work. I'll confirm when I get back to Florida later this week.


                              • It's been a bit, thought I'd post a couple pictures from National Model Aviation Day. The Gilmore is still an attention grabber.


                                • Back in April I had a slight misfortune whereby the leading edge of my right wing got too close to a fence post. I mean way too close, such that repairing was not worth it. Thankfully, MotionRC had a spare right wing so I ordered it. I noticed it had a lot of carbon fiber in the framing of the wing. Much more than before. I didn't think much of it.

                                  I got it all ready (hinges, aileron servo) and finally flew it a few weeks ago. On takeoff it started rolling away from the new wing. Had to feed in a ton of right trim, almost all that was available. Turns out the new wing was way lighter than the old one, I guess thanks to the carbon fiber. I glued 3.5 oz to the underside of the aileron servo cover plate. It seemed to balance when I held it up by the spinner. Flew it again today, but looks like it still needs probably another ounce.

                                  Not complaining here, just thought everyone should know in case you need to replace a wing.


                                  • Hello everyone, I'm a newbie.

                                    I'm a 61 yr.old kid that loves his toys. I just joined a local club and I'm under training with a great, talented flyer. I have a very rare for of Epipsey that I have seizures if I stand or walk for a little while (I'm the third one in the USA) so I sit in a swivel chair when flying. The concern is in the future my hands will twinge and shake, so I want to learn to fly for a specific plane, the Gilmore Red Lion that raced in the 30's and on. I'd like to find a already built plane in the largest I can get. I would really like to buy a nicely used used 3 (+) cylinder with higher cc I can afford. I don't mind lashing valves if it's below 3 cylinders. I think 18 would take me 12 months to adjust. lol. Second would be a twin cylinder with high cc engine or maybe a gas HP gas,....a big electric motor is easy to take care of and very low maintenance, but I don't want to !

                                    The radials are so fricking cool looking and sounding.
                                    The rant here is because I've found a thread on the Gilmore plane build, questions and answers, but it's going to take me a long ass time to read 28 pages, so far. lol
                                    Thank you to the OP for creating this thread. 😁

                                    If anyone knows of a Gilmore plane for sale, please let me know ! 🙏


                                    • Hello Everyone.

                                      Thanks for sharing all the build and maiden post. Lots of great info for a new modeler like me. Question about gas engine options. Would a DA50 work for this size/weight?


                                      • A DA50 would make the plane flyable yes. You would probably need to make sure you get all your internals and weight pushed forward to make sure you hit that CG or possibly add weight.

                                        DA50 wouldn't be my recommendation, but it would for sure work as long as you took the time to make sure everything was setup correctly.

