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F35 Nose Gear issue

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  • F35 Nose Gear issue

    Hey guys! I recently got the new F35 and went to fly it today and I noticed this issue. Any of you guys have this issue? I am confused as it's a new model. Maybe it's a one off defect but I am bummed that I have to potentially get a new nose gear. If anyone has had any issues similar and were able to fix please let me know!

  • #2
    Thought to add this picture aswell


    • #3
      Looks to me like you need a new nose retract. Is that the way it was out of the box? Send that video to Motion.


      • #4
        Yea that is the way It was. I put it together and it was fine. I went to take it out to fly today and it did that after a few cycles on the ground. I had it on my little rack there for only a few weeks. So I am not sure why it just started acting up. I sent in a ticket and am going to call tomorrow. Hopefully it gets fixed.


        • #5
          Not too upset about it as it happens, it's a side effect of mass production, sometimes things are defective. But I just am hopeful that Motion will help me out, and that I noticed it on the ground. Thanks for the reply Viper!


          • #6
            The trunion inside the retract is not being pushed/pulled by the slider block that moves along the worm gear. Either the trunion is cracked, broken or misaligned with the block or the block is not in the proper place when the retract was put together. Normally, such things usually happens after a really HARD landing and the actual retract casing cracks.


            • #7
              If you have had the model got more than a month, Motion might not replace the nose gear. They require warranty claims be made within a month.


              • #8
                Good news! They have a replacement nose gear mechanism on the way. Thanks for all the information on it!

