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Maiduan Flight Carbon Cub

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  • Maiduan Flight Carbon Cub

    Well after having several problems with my Arrow T 28 and crashing it during take off, I thought it would be a good idea to try another plane and get back at the basic. I have not given up on the T 28 but something is not right with that plane, I will work on it in time. Any how after putting together this Carbon Cub and some help from Horizon Hobby I got the plane ready to go. I took off in beginner mode using my Nx6 transmitter. The plane took off very nice. Well I gain some altitude and move the switch to intermediate mode. The plane flew straight up. I quickly switch it to advance mode. I then adjusted the trim. The plane was flying much better. I am amazed how it just seems to float in the air compared to some of my war planes. It was surly fun to fly. I made two nice landings on the grass. I am amazed how those big tires work so nice. When I got back I made an adjustment on the elevator. So I won't have to use so much trim. Will see tomorrow how it flies. I was actually thinking of installing flaps but it almost seems that there is no reason too. The plane slow down very nice.