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Freewing Seagull 4-in-1 Prop and EDF

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  • Freewing Seagull 4-in-1 Prop and EDF

    I just put together the Freewing Seagull, I will use the EDF and V-tail mode. to train on both. I have a Futaba 8FG and need some help setting up the V-tail and also the mount of throws recommended for this model. I am an intermediate level pilot. Can you use Delta mix on this model.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Re: Freewing Seagull 4-in-1 Prop and EDF

    You do not want to use a delta mix since you have separate ailerons. Your 8FG should allow you to choose "v-tail" for the tail type when setting up a new model. When you select "v-tail" for the tail type, it will automatically setup elevator and rudder. Do make sure they are going the correct direction and reverse the servos if you have to via the radio. This is very important.

    Here is what I would do with throws:
    1) setup dual rates on a 3 position switch
    2) position 1 = 100% throws
    3) position 2 = 80% throws
    4) position 3 = 70% throws

    I normally start on position 2 and move to 1 or 3 depending on how a new aircraft handles. I generally use this as a starting point for all my planes. I suspect you will want to use 100% with this plane but it really depends on personal preference. You can also use a combination of the above along with some expo. I never follow recommended throws in any manual. I always like to figure out the best throws/expo for my flying style and personal preference.


    • #3
      Re: Freewing Seagull 4-in-1 Prop and EDF

      Thank you!! Appreciate your help.
      On Nov 26, 2013 9:45 PM, "Tom.MotionRC [via Motion RC Community Forum]" <> wrote:

      > You do not want to use a delta mix since you have separate ailerons. You
      > 8FG should allow you to choose "v-tail" for the tail type when setting up=
      > new model. When you select "v-tail" for the tail type, it will
      > automatically setup elevator and rudder. Do make sure they are going the
      > correct direction and reverse the servos if you have to via the radio. Th=
      > is very important.
      > Here is what I would do with throws:
      > 1) setup dual rates on a 3 position switch
      > 2) position 1 =3D 100% throws
      > 3) position 2 =3D 80% throws
      > 4) position 3 =3D 70% throws
      > I normally start on position 2 and move to 1 or 3 depending on how a new
      > aircraft handles. I generally use this as a starting point for all my
      > planes. I suspect you will want to use 100% with this plane but it really
      > depends on personal preference. You can also use a combination of the abo=
      > along with some expo. I never follow recommended throws in any manual. I
      > always like to figure out the best throws/expo for my flying style and
      > personal preference.
      > ------------------------------
      > If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion
      > below:
      > To unsubscribe from Freewing Seagull 4-in-1 Prop and EDF, click here<htt=
      p?macro=3Dunsubscribe_by_code&node=3D1202&code=3Db 2VscmF5ZXNAZ21haWwuY29tfD=
      > .
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      • #4
        Re: Freewing Seagull 4-in-1 Prop and EDF

        X-SA-Exim-Scanned: No (on; SAEximRunCond expanded to false

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        • #5
          Re: Freewing Seagull 4-in-1 Prop and EDF

          Hello, I'm giving serious thought to buying the Seagull. Looks pretty good so far. The big question I have is..... I do alot of traveling. I disassemble my Calypso and it usually goes with me as I do alot of flying at the beach. Its very accommodating due to the wing and tail screws. I'm looking for something similar so was wondering if the Seagull disassembles and reassemble easily or comparable to the Calypso?

          I like the looks of the Seagull and it would be perfect for the Go Pro hero.


          • #6
            Re: Freewing Seagull 4-in-1 Prop and EDF

            Hey sorry, I jumped the gun. I went to the the Freewing website and they have the manual for all of their models they have including the Seagull. Apparently it does disassemble easily . Thanks for any of you who provide anything additional


            • #7
              Re: Freewing Seagull 4-in-1 Prop and EDF

              I did not have to glue the model. If only need to detach the main wings.
              On Jan 2, 2014 4:13 PM, "FlightChief [via Motion RC Community Forum]" <
    > wrote:

              > Hello, I'm giving serious thought to buying the Seagull. Looks pretty
              > good so far. The big question I have is..... I do alot of traveling. I
              > disassemble my Calypso and it usually goes with me as I do alot of flyin=
              > at the beach. Its very accommodating due to the wing and tail screws. I'=
              > looking for something similar so was wondering if the Seagull disassemble=
              > and reassemble easily or comparable to the Calypso?
              > I like the looks of the Seagull and it would be perfect for the Go Pro
              > hero.
              > ------------------------------
              > If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion
              > below:
              > To unsubscribe from Freewing Seagull 4-in-1 Prop and EDF, click here<htt=
              p?macro=3Dunsubscribe_by_code&node=3D1202&code=3Db 2VscmF5ZXNAZ21haWwuY29tfD=
              > .
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              • #8
                RE: Freewing Seagull 4-in-1 Prop and EDF

                Hey everyone, didn't want to start another one because I saw this one. I too have a Calypso and love it, however it is huge. I really like the looks of the Freewing and was wondering who had one and how it flies. I really like the ability of changing out the configurations. Watching the videos is fine but I wanted some real feedback. Thanks
                Addicted to planes!


                • #9
                  RE: Freewing Seagull 4-in-1 Prop and EDF

                  I am looking at purchasing this plane and would like to hear some thoughts on people that own it and have flown it in all the different configurations.
                  My YouTube Channel


                  • #10
                    RE: Freewing Seagull 4-in-1 Prop and EDF

                    I've got one! Flown it as an EDF V tail, prop V tail, and prop standard tail. Not much rudder with the V tail but it sure looks sharp in the air. The EDF gives you a little less flight time than the propeller config and actually the propeller seems to be a bit faster too but maybe that's just cuz it accelerates faster or seems to. If you have ever seen or flown a Bixler then, except for the EDF and V tail, it's about the same thing. My son has a Bixler 2 and I have the Seagull. The Bix is easier to get a camera in or on but the Seagulls foam and finish are much better. Switching tails or propulsion is relatively easy to do, maybe ten minutes for each. It's a nice plane.... Glad I bought it. :)


                    • #11
                      RE: Freewing Seagull 4-in-1 Prop and EDF

                      The you tube video says it has a camera mount near the front underneath section, I have a 808 #16 keychain camera. Will that camera fit inside there if you are familiar with the camera?

                      The plane looks very cool. I am somewhat a beginner although I have never flown a bixler. I have been flying 6-7 months now.
                      My YouTube Channel


                      • #12
                        RE: Freewing Seagull 4-in-1 Prop and EDF

                        Yep it will. In fact, that's pretty much what it is made for. There is a velcro strap installed to tie one down but it is a hard area to access because the battery tray sits right above that area. The clear plastic port for where the camera points out is also easily scuffed in a hard landing on anything but grass so be careful not to land in rocky soil. About the time I bought the plane my 808 died so I never popped a camera in mine as now the only camera I have is my Go Pro. I had toyed with the idea of cutting a hatch to access the camera area easier.....


                        • #13
                          RE: Freewing Seagull 4-in-1 Prop and EDF

                          Thanks!! Looking forward to getting it.
                          My YouTube Channel


                          • #14
                            RE: Freewing Seagull 4-in-1 Prop and EDF

                            Any updates, Jobinseattle? Did you mount the 808 keychain camera?
                            Live Q&A every Tuesday and Friday at 9pm EST on my Twitch Livestream

                            Live chat with me and other RC Nuts on my Discord

                            Camp my Instagram @Alpha.Makes


                            • #15
                              RE: Freewing Seagull 4-in-1 Prop and EDF

                              I wondering the same thing Alpha. I would like to know if he ever mounted the 808. I was thinking about getting a Hawksky and remove the canopy and mount my 808 in it.
                              Still Learning:D


                              • #16
                                I have the Seagull. Wasn't able to fly it for quite some time. Now Made about 25 or so flights with it so far. Just my opinion but, I prefer the prop over the jet. I haven't tried the V tail yet. The plane is easy to launch and flys great. The camera mount is fairly worthless. I have a Mobius (model unknown) It won't fit in that allotted space but not a big deal anyway. The plane has a plastic window for the camera to shoot through and after a couple of normal landings in the beach sand, it scraped up the plastic window bad enough that camera footage would be bad anyway. I mount the mobius on the top just above the canopy with a velcro strap. The CG changed a bit but was able to easily compensate with that big 2200 battery. Grab some altitude, shut the engine off and got some great video. Fairly decent glide ratio.
                                I have a Calypso that I also travel with. The two planes are a pretty good combination for beach and gliding.


                                • #17
                                  I also prefer the prop setup over the EDF setup. Good flight times with the 3s 2200.
                                  Live Q&A every Tuesday and Friday at 9pm EST on my Twitch Livestream

                                  Live chat with me and other RC Nuts on my Discord

                                  Camp my Instagram @Alpha.Makes


                                  • #18
                                    How long are flight times w/prop vs. the EDF?
                                    You might be able to fly it, but can you land it?


                                    • #19
                                      Originally posted by martmichals View Post
                                      How long are flight times w/prop vs. the EDF?
                                      This depends on how much "gliding" you do. If you only use the motor for getting up to altitude, the prop version is much more "fuel efficient". The EDF draws a lot of juice for climbing. I recall that on mine, ascending to about 300 - 400 feet each time, I could get roughly 4 climbs (maybe 5) with prop and maybe 2 or 3 on EDF, both with enough to cruise around on power to set up for a good landing. If you cruise under power all the time (say for FPV or for videoing), moderate prop throttle could give you 5 to 7 minutes. EDF, around 3 to 4. Start low, check battery after flight, adjust time for next flight.
                                      I flew mine mostly with T-tail. I found the V-tail initially looked nicer and had less drag, but tail authority was not as good.
                                      I found the Seagull to be a very attractive plane in the air, but it is not as good a sailplane as many of the other, "front line" ones (Radian for one). It glides a bit faster than most sailplanes and needs quite a bit power to get launched if you are doing it from level ground (as opposed to from top of a hill). The thrust angle of the motor tends to push the plane down until enough airspeed is built up. This can be quite alarming during those launches when the power is not sufficient. Either launch with very low power or very high power. The former reduces the thrust induced down push at launch speeds. The latter gets the speed up rapidly so the plane begins to fly before losing too much height.


                                      • #20
                                        I bought this glider as my second plane, it has over 100 flights and still going strong, i finally ended up putting one of Don's Wicked 64mm EDF setups on it.
                                        its faster than the prop and the stock edf, im using a 2500mah 4s 60 c lipo and its a blast to fly, on sunny days i get up to altitude and just glide around for 10 minutes at 1/4 throttle. i also use the V-Tail.....just looks cool.

