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  • Welcome to the Hobby Squawk Classifieds!

    This is the forum to buy, sell, trade, barter your RC gear among fellow members. Please understand Hobby Squawk is NOT responsible for ANY of the transactions that take place in this forum. Any and all issues must be dealt with between the buying/selling parties.

    We hope this becomes a viable way to buy/sell/trade/barter RC products between Hobby Squawk members. We ask the buyers to list their product and prices responsibly, and we ask the potential buyers to honor the seller's general requests in regards to shipping and costs.
    Last edited by Marco Polo; Feb 20, 2021, 09:27 PM.
    My YouTube RC videos:

  • #2
    NICE, was gonna ask about week ago about possibly having a section like this but it sorta slipped my mind. THANX Aeros
    Warbird Charlie
    HSD Skyraider FlightLine OV-10 FMS 1400: P-40B, P-51, F4U, F6F, T-28, P-40E, Pitts, 1700 F4U & F7F, FOX glider Freewing A-6, T-33, P-51 Dynam ME-262, Waco TF Giant P-47; ESM F7F-3 LX PBJ-1 EFL CZ T-28, C-150, 1500 P-51 & FW-190


    • #3
      I saw this came online last night. Thanks It will be handy I think.


      • #4
        I thought it would be well received. :)
        My YouTube RC videos:


        • #5
          Hmm, time to clear out all the flotsam and jetsam in all my storage areas and get rid of some stuff.
          I have some props and hubs for the RocHobby MXS if anyone's interested

          Team Gross!


          • #6
            Thanks guys! Being a flyer on a budget I'm always looking for a deal.

            Not to add work to the folks that take care of the site but will there be any type of "trader rating" used? We all start selling and trading at 0, and you can go by the reputation of folks that are regulars here but maybe something to judge (lack of a better word) the person you might be working with on a deal?

            Maybe a "feedback" after a deal is done and have it viewable in your profile?

            Just a thought!

            Last edited by XF-15DCC; Mar 16, 2016, 06:22 AM. Reason: feedback line
            Off with one helluva roar!
            AMA 1085465


            • #7
              Excellent idea Kevin! I will look into that...I think it's a very good idea to have a "trader rating" and feedback in the profile system.
              My YouTube RC videos:


              • #8
                Until we get a Trader Rating system in place, I'll just point folks to the other sites where I have done deals for verification of my rating.


                • #9
                  In the meantime we could simply post in the actual For Sale/Trade thread the completion of the transaction and any comments the buyer would like to make concerning the process/seller.
                  My YouTube RC videos:


                  • #10
                    Okay everybody's talking. Who's selling.
                    Dewey l


                    • #11
                      That was what I was beginning to wonder...Don't be shy folks! Step right up!
                      My YouTube RC videos:


                      • #12
                        well I am anxious to maybe this weekend I can find some planes to buy and resell from the auction will see. Thanks Aros for starting this thread should be some fun!


                        • #13
                          Hey, see post #5:shy:
                          Team Gross!


                          • #14
                            List what you got.. can't sell if the customer doesn't know what you have to offer.
                            Dewey l


                            • #15
                              Wow, I'm glad we finally got this going. We talked about a buy/sell/trade section a few months back. Glad to finally see it in the works. But dang it, I just sold 16 planes on the "other" site (RCG:D)

                              I do have one left that's a small one, but someone may need it. It's a brand new 800mm FMS P-47 (V1). I just pulled it down from storage.

                              There are only 2 things worth noting.

                              1. It has rudder and elevator servos already installed, but needs 2 aileron servos.
                              2. The elevator is not the correct color, but it matches perfectly with the plane. It's the same color as the top of the fuse. Actually looks very cool!

                              Will take $60, plus shipping. It's not a large box, so shipping shouldn't be much.

                              Let me know if interested. Thanks!


                              • #16
                                "I have some props and hubs for the RocHobby MXS if anyone's interested"
                                Team Gross!


                                • #17
                                  Originally posted by Grossman56 View Post
                                  "I have some props and hubs for the RocHobby MXS if anyone's interested"
                                  I would suggest making your own thread in this forum. :)
                                  My YouTube RC videos:


                                  • #18
                                    SOLD! on 22 June 2018

                                    $70.00 & Buyer Pays USPS Shipping from Wichita, KS 67208
                                    I bought a group lot from an estate sale for the micro servos.
                                    I have sorted out these motors and accessories but presume you will know more about all this than I.
                                    If I am out of line on pricing, let me know or make an offer as Hobby Sqwawk members are Sierra Hotel.
                                    I have posted these at RCG in the Electric Motors Classified section, as well.
                                    Thanks for looking.
                                    Best, Steve Thomas (LB)

                                    2- Exceed RC Monster Power 60 Outrunners w/spinners
                                    2- Kinetic Motor Systems KBM 31/12s 1) Spins Fine 2) Open but looks fine
                                    1-NIB Unknown (Box Description: D2730-1700)
                                    1-Ultrafly A/30/29 Inrunner
                                    4-Unknown very small kits new in Plastic Bags
                                    2 Bags of mounts, spinners, and aluminum stuff
                                    Last edited by Elbee; Jun 23, 2018, 08:25 AM. Reason: SOLD THESE, BUT THANKS FOR LOOKING, Accepted $70 with shipping.
                                    I solemnly swear to "over-celebrate" the smallest of victories.
                                    ~Lucky B*st*rd~

                                    You'll never be good at something unless you're willing to suck at it first.


