This is my 3D printed Columbia class sub (SSBN-826) measuring in at 93" long with a 7-1/8" beam. Based solely on artists conceptual drawings as they just started building the first boat back in October.. Completely printed with ASA filament on my Ender 3 Pro. It is ready to split the hull and start working on the running gear. Nothing fancy. It is too cold to put a coat of primer on it and needs a few things done inside first. This was my first full CAD project using Fusion 360 and could still use some tweaks but it turned out well. Taught me a lot in the process but something I did over my Christmas break. It took 4 spools of filament and just over 3 weeks to print. I still need to design some interior bulkheads but they should be easy. Altogether I estimate I will have about $500 in this one. Will be using the water tight enclosure and power module from my Ohio in it. Always good to share components when possible.

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3D printed 1/72nd Columbia class submarine