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And now for something completely different.
I rescued an old 1900mm Seagull models T34 C that was about to be burned by the owner, It weighed 6.2kg with a lot of lead in the nose. and few like a dog, The heavy weight and short triangulation of the original model wheels lead to it flipping over on grass taxi, .It struggled to get off the ground, broke the canopy, bust the cowl etc and the owner got fed up with it so i decided to have a go at a tail dragger version extended nose 3 inches to get rid of the need for ballast and chose fixed gear to simplify things and reduce weight The canopy is made from the surviving bits of the old canopy plus some acrylic sheet with a rear scuttle in balsa added I reworked the cowl to fit the new model. I had 4 oleos so I went for double oleo fixed gear and pants a la Ryan Stamm as the oleos I had were not strong enough for single leg gear. I had a couple of unused analogue standard size servos for elevator and rudder and steerable tail wheel( small oleo) New 5055 430 kv motor 1500watt, 62amp on 6s. ( about 150wattsper pound in old money ), prop, spinner 125 amp esc, new aileron and flap servos, film coveriing , rods, horns main alloy wing tube etc etc It sort of evolved over winter. It now weighs 4,6kg,incl battery
84gms/dm2 no ballast required, flys better, floats on in to the grass field and handles the grass up to 2 inch long in winter no problem.
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I don't do these kind of videos often as they take quite some extra work... but here you have a new one, featuring my hands on the transmitter while I fly the F-22 ;)
Hopefully that helps clear some doubts about how I approach certain maneuvers.
Here's the real-speed version of the video, no slow-motion:
Got out Wednesday for the first time in a while and was able to get a few flights in. RudyD54 got a few more flights in on the outstanding B2 so had to see that and help him get some videos of it. He was able to return the favor and did one on my F-4 which has the 12 blade inrunner in it and my A-10, which I just installed the Mig-29 inrunners in when I upgraded that with FMS fans (not that either need it).
Are they still doing the Live Show?
The F-4:
Hugh "Wildman" Wiedman
Hangar: Mig 29 "Cobra", 8S EuroFighter-Bronze Tiger, A-10 Arctic, F18 Canadian & Tiger Meet, 8S F16 Wild Weasel, 8S F4 Jolly Rodgers & Blue Angel, 1600 Corsair & Spitfire, B-24, Stinger 90, Avanti. Extreme Flight-FW-190 Red Tulip, Slick 60, 62" Extra 300, 62" MXS Heavy Metal, 62" Edge Demonstrator. FMS-SU-30,1700mm P-51, Corsair, Viper, Beast Bi-Plane 60", P2 Bi-Plane, P51.
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And the A-10. Those Mig inrunners are spectacular in it!!Can't wait to see how the upgraded FMS fans in the Mig perform with the TV nozzles. Rudy put them in his and with the TV nozzles, ain't no such thing called "high alpha lock"! And getting off of grass is like a carrier launch!
Hugh "Wildman" Wiedman
Hangar: Mig 29 "Cobra", 8S EuroFighter-Bronze Tiger, A-10 Arctic, F18 Canadian & Tiger Meet, 8S F16 Wild Weasel, 8S F4 Jolly Rodgers & Blue Angel, 1600 Corsair & Spitfire, B-24, Stinger 90, Avanti. Extreme Flight-FW-190 Red Tulip, Slick 60, 62" Extra 300, 62" MXS Heavy Metal, 62" Edge Demonstrator. FMS-SU-30,1700mm P-51, Corsair, Viper, Beast Bi-Plane 60", P2 Bi-Plane, P51.
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Originally posted by Robertorende View PostHugh "Wildman" Wiedman
Hangar: Mig 29 "Cobra", 8S EuroFighter-Bronze Tiger, A-10 Arctic, F18 Canadian & Tiger Meet, 8S F16 Wild Weasel, 8S F4 Jolly Rodgers & Blue Angel, 1600 Corsair & Spitfire, B-24, Stinger 90, Avanti. Extreme Flight-FW-190 Red Tulip, Slick 60, 62" Extra 300, 62" MXS Heavy Metal, 62" Edge Demonstrator. FMS-SU-30,1700mm P-51, Corsair, Viper, Beast Bi-Plane 60", P2 Bi-Plane, P51.
Got my B-2 maiden flight in yesterday. Not much to add from what so many others have reported in their flight reviews. Mine was totally stock, Spektrum 6S 5000 mAh battery. Kept it up over 4 minutes for the first flight. Did install the plastic rudder and will use it for the first few flights, then probably take it off for good. Excellent plane!
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