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A quick video of one of last weeks flight with the 1600mm Corsair. This is such a great flying aircraft I almost forget that it's supposed to be quirky to fly. Takes off easily, is rock solid in the air, has tons of power (cruises at 50%) and lands like a kitty cat. I'm getting about 10 minutes on an SMC 6200mah. Like all of my prop warbirds, it has a sound system in it as well as a WWII aviator with moving head. He's a bit crammed into the cockpit, but just the site of him scares off most opponents!
Hugh "Wildman" Wiedman
Hangar: Mig 29 "Cobra", 8S EuroFighter-Bronze Tiger, A-10 Arctic, F18 Canadian & Tiger Meet, 8S F16 Wild Weasel, 8S F4 Jolly Rodgers & Blue Angel, 1600 Corsair & Spitfire, B-24, Stinger 90, Avanti. Extreme Flight-FW-190 Red Tulip, Slick 60, 62" Extra 300, 62" MXS Heavy Metal, 62" Edge Demonstrator. FMS-SU-30,1700mm P-51, Corsair, Viper, Beast Bi-Plane 60", P2 Bi-Plane, P51.
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And finally the video of the B-24 from that same day. This one flies great, 10 minutes on 2 4S 4000's. Unfortunately it's hard to avoid the potholes and ant hills on our grass runway. It's not in the best of shape, wish someone would roll it!
Somehow managed to miss most of those on the landing though!
Hugh "Wildman" Wiedman
Hangar: Mig 29 "Cobra", 8S EuroFighter-Bronze Tiger, A-10 Arctic, F18 Canadian & Tiger Meet, 8S F16 Wild Weasel, 8S F4 Jolly Rodgers & Blue Angel, 1600 Corsair & Spitfire, B-24, Stinger 90, Avanti. Extreme Flight-FW-190 Red Tulip, Slick 60, 62" Extra 300, 62" MXS Heavy Metal, 62" Edge Demonstrator. FMS-SU-30,1700mm P-51, Corsair, Viper, Beast Bi-Plane 60", P2 Bi-Plane, P51.
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Hey, what happened to the Live Show, must be on life support or Dead! And there should be enough material just in the outstanding videos of Airguardian to produce a full length Cinematic Release! Oh well, might as well add one of mine to the Heap. We can put them all in a pile and have a monstrous Bon Fire , or are those illegal these days as well?
Hugh "Wildman" Wiedman
Hangar: Mig 29 "Cobra", 8S EuroFighter-Bronze Tiger, A-10 Arctic, F18 Canadian & Tiger Meet, 8S F16 Wild Weasel, 8S F4 Jolly Rodgers & Blue Angel, 1600 Corsair & Spitfire, B-24, Stinger 90, Avanti. Extreme Flight-FW-190 Red Tulip, Slick 60, 62" Extra 300, 62" MXS Heavy Metal, 62" Edge Demonstrator. FMS-SU-30,1700mm P-51, Corsair, Viper, Beast Bi-Plane 60", P2 Bi-Plane, P51.
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Hahahaha! True dat!
Hugh Wiedman they are now making a single live-show per month, the first Friday of every month if I recall correctly.
The latest one featured my F-22 air to air during the intro, so there's that ^^
I do miss the weekly shows though, tbh.
Originally posted by paulrkytek View PostHugh "Wildman" Wiedman
Hangar: Mig 29 "Cobra", 8S EuroFighter-Bronze Tiger, A-10 Arctic, F18 Canadian & Tiger Meet, 8S F16 Wild Weasel, 8S F4 Jolly Rodgers & Blue Angel, 1600 Corsair & Spitfire, B-24, Stinger 90, Avanti. Extreme Flight-FW-190 Red Tulip, Slick 60, 62" Extra 300, 62" MXS Heavy Metal, 62" Edge Demonstrator. FMS-SU-30,1700mm P-51, Corsair, Viper, Beast Bi-Plane 60", P2 Bi-Plane, P51.
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Originally posted by Airguardian View PostNot a fan of the red trim (particularly on the nose... eww... personal preference!) but happy to see you got a new Su-35 and is ready to rock, enjoy! :D
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