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Official Freewing Twin 80mm F-14D Tomcat Thread

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  • Also, if anyone with a DX18 who has the mix/settings rock solid for this jet and wouldn't mind sharing their SPM file I would appreciate it!
    My YouTube RC videos:


    • Rock solid... never.

      But I posted my settings in a review on Motion's site for use of a 9 ch RX. (bypasing the board in the F-14 for some functions)

      I think they are also somewhere in this thread.

      DX-18 ORIGINAL version and DX-18 With voice, same settings.
      FF gliders and rubber power since 1966, CL 1970-1990, RC since 1975.

      current planes from 1/2 oz to 22 lbs


      • Check out Chris Wolfe's set up videos over on the RC Geek. It didn't seem too complicated. Some day when I get one it's how I will go. Very informative.


        • Not finding where I posted it...

          I KNOW I posted it at least in the reviews and in this thread.

          I used Elevon wing type, then mixed such that if the wings are swept, the ailerons and flaps are in neutral. No chance of the flaps hitting the fuselage as the wing sweeps. Ailerons neutral with wings swept makes the plane more stable at high speed.

          Significant differential on the ailerons when they operate. (no differential on "tailerons", its done with the mix percentages)

          Nose wheel on its own channel and mixed with high expo to make the plane easier to keep straight during takeoff, but still turn tight enough when taxiing.

          I'm in the middle of reprogramming more using more channels so right now my settings in the radio are not correct.

          FF gliders and rubber power since 1966, CL 1970-1990, RC since 1975.

          current planes from 1/2 oz to 22 lbs


          • Thanks fellas for all of your help! F106 sent me his SPM file which I believe is based in some part off RC Geek's settings...Yours too I believe fhhuber...He also told me to check RC Geek's videos out as well...Looking forward to a scale mix/setup...
            My YouTube RC videos:


            • Hello Fellow EDF Jet owners,
              I have a Freewing F-14 80mm 12B, I have about 90% percent in spare parts for sale if you in the SW Suburban Illinois area, if in need of of parts please send PM


              • Does anyone have the paint numbers for the stock grey? I want to avoid having to completely repaint the base color since the Jolly Rogers livery shares the same base grey. Much thanks!

                Also, how did you guys go about calibrating both ESCs? I don't have a EC5 Y-connector adapter otherwise I would simply plug in both ESCs to one 6S at the same time. I don't want to fuss with a rx battery just to calibrate both ESCs. I am thinking of simply plugging in the first and then the second as quickly as possible...Will this work okay? Not used to calibrating ESCs for twins with separate connectors.

                FINALLY got her all programmed! I used RC Geek's DX file...Took me quite a bit to figure out exactly what leads to plug in where, what leads to leave out...And then to get the tailerons working the right direction...Now I have:

                Full span flaps with spoilerons
                Flaps and ailerons are inactive when wings are swept back (Tailerons only)
                Tailerons with some aileron deflection when wings are extended

                Now just need to get the CG/throws and trim all dialed and she will be ready to maiden...In about three months when it stops raining. :Rainning:
                My YouTube RC videos:


                • Hi there,
                  First time caller long time listener...
                  I think I got that from RCG somewhere, gray is FS36440 flat dull gray. I have not try it myself.

                  As for calibration, I did one ESC at the time.


                  • Thanks Sparrow...How did you calibrate the ESC without the UBEC? That's why I was curious how folks did that without a EC5/Y or rx battery. Thanks for the color numbers I will look into that and welcome to Hobby Squawk!
                    My YouTube RC videos:


                    • To calibrate an ESC without BEC you use a separate RX power source, typically a 4 cell AA NiCd pack or 2 cell LiFe pack.

                      You also can get a cheap battery holder that you put 4 AA alkalines in and use that for bench testing. (we used to fly with those but I don't generally recommend it)
                      FF gliders and rubber power since 1966, CL 1970-1990, RC since 1975.

                      current planes from 1/2 oz to 22 lbs


                      • Rats, I don't have a 4 cell AA NiCd or 2 cell LiFe pack...I was really wanting to avoid that if possible. I've heard folks simply plug the first one in and the second as fast as possible and it worked for them. Think this can be an acceptable route?
                        My YouTube RC videos:


                        • Originally posted by Aros.MotionRC View Post
                          Rats, I don't have a 4 cell AA NiCd or 2 cell LiFe pack...I was really wanting to avoid that if possible. I've heard folks simply plug the first one in and the second as fast as possible and it worked for them. Think this can be an acceptable route?
                          What I've done is leave the BEC plugged in, but only plug one ESC into the RX at a time. That way you aren't struggling to plug both in with perfect timing.


                          • Never mind...I am planning on seeing my buddy this weekend. We're going to go over the F-14 settings and final details...I will simply have him plug in the non-UBEC ESC at the same time I plug in the UBEC ESC to calibrate. 4 hands are always better than 2!
                            F106, that's also a good route as well, thanks!
                            My YouTube RC videos:


                            • On multis like the b24 I unplug the one throttle lead to the rx, turn on the radio, then plug in both batteries, throttle stick up for calibration. Then plug in the one throttle lead to the rx from the board. This allows the escs to beep at the same time and helps make calibration easy.


                              • Oh my word Ryan! Why didn't I think of that??! So obvious!! Thanks man! What a dolt I am. <face palm> :Silly:

                                Soooo she's all trimmed, settings good to go. The last frontier is batteries. I am using the NEW Admiral 4000 6S LiPos. I can't get the canopy shut with the aft battery when placed on the battery tray. It's pretty highly placed (why isn't it on the battery floor?)...So I had to remove the tray and put the aft battery on the floor to fit. What am I missing? Anyone else with these exact batteries have some intel for me? I would like to use the tray but I don't see how in its normal placement?

                                First photo show how far off the canopy is from closing with the battery in the only spot I can see it going with the battery tray in its normal (high) position. The second photo shows the batteries placed with the tray in. The final photo shows the batteries with the tray removed and the aft battery is just sitting there without being secured. Also, it's a bit tail heavy with the batteries in their locations. I refuse to add weight to the nose...Would love any thoughts on that as well. Thanks guys!

                                Click image for larger version

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ID:	114450

                                My YouTube RC videos:


                                • I relocated my aft battery tray UP and the aft battery now goes below it. (that battery can never eject from negative G push)

                                  I forgot what I used for the spacers.

                                  I had to add 2 oz to the tail of mine with OEM equipment, Spektrum 9 ch RX and using 4X3S 4500mah packs and series adapters to get the 6S to each fan.
                                  (2X 3S seem to survive a lot longer than 1X 6S because they cool better when you pull them out of the airplane)

                                  I'm changing out some stuff now. I may need to change the amount of weight added for CG.
                                  FF gliders and rubber power since 1966, CL 1970-1990, RC since 1975.

                                  current planes from 1/2 oz to 22 lbs


                                  • Thanks for the input fhhuber...I tried it again and this time I was able to close the canopy. I moved the aft battery forward about an inch and that seemed to do the trick. The way it is angled makes you at first attempt think it won't close so I had the battery closer to the latch.

                                    CG is set. Settings/mixes/throws locked in. Now it's just waiting time for the weather to cooperate.
                                    My YouTube RC videos:


                                    • I found a window in the weather (dry and not windy) so went for the maiden. Takeoff roll was long and on rotation it felt very nose heavy. I didn't have the throws on elevator I would normally like (I used the settings from RC Geek's DX file) so there was a bit of a panic until she cleared the trees. She wanted to roll severely to the right. I maxed out my left trim and she still wanted to roll right. So the maiden was spent fighting the sticks, a few passes until I came in for landing. I never swept the wings due to the issue with the roll trim. I setup on base, had full span flaps...The approach looked and felt fine...Attitude was correct but on touchdown she bounced almost as bad as the A-10. The only thing I can guess is maybe she came in a bit hotter than I thought.

                                      Upon inspection the tailerons are matched at the trailing edge but sure enough they are not on the leading edge. Maybe a warping with one that I didn't notice before. However, I am thinking I don't have both ESCs calibrated in synch which may have been the reason for the significant right roll and lack of power. I felt like the power was marginal at best. So I have some work to do to figure it out. I am going to re-calibrate the ESCs (using Ryan's technique of unplugging the throttle lead, plugging in both batteries and then plugging the throttle lead back in for a perfect synch) and make sure the tailerons are perfectly matched at the LE/TE.
                                      Attached Files
                                      My YouTube RC videos:


                                      • Glad to hear it is still intact after being such a handful.


                                        • You can't hammer the throttle to full instantly from a standstill. On a 300 ft paved runway, I am at 75% by the time its ready to rotate at about 250 ft of take-off run and no more is needed for a 30 deg climb.

                                          Excess throttle for airspeed will "stall the fan", essentially whipping air in the fan but not effectively producing thrust. You get off the ground faster moderating the throttle. You can tie a fish scale to the back and slowly advance throttle. Find where you suddenly see the pull drop off as you advance throttle. That is your max throttle stick until you have built up some speed to supply the fan via ram air intake. You cant go much further with throttle until you are out of danger of stall.

                                          And yes, EPO likes to warp. You'll be retrimming a bit every flight, especially if you fly somewhere that its over 80 F.
                                          FF gliders and rubber power since 1966, CL 1970-1990, RC since 1975.

                                          current planes from 1/2 oz to 22 lbs

