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Official FlightLine RC 1600mm Spitfire Mk. IX Thread

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  • Originally posted by kallend View Post
    Flew mine today.

    Had the Battle of Britain ended in a defeat for the RAF the world would be a very different place today.


    • Originally posted by Elbee View Post

      Tally Ho, Dave.

      You truly are a top-notch individual who knows if we don't "make" the day special it will soon be disregarded as notable.

      Thank you for honoring both the accomplishment and one of the war's many heroes.

      Respectfully, LB

      ps: great movie about Polish WWII Hurricane aviators: "Mission of Honor" 2018, a must watch IMHO.

      Also, listed as "Hurricane" the original title.
      Hi LB: I found "Mission of Honor" on You Tube and watched it. Really thought it captured a lot of what they went through during their time with the RAF. I had seen parts of it some time ago, but got to watch the whole thing today without disturbance. Well done acting and special effects.




      • Been reading all this.. watched it all as a youngster.. they were a brave generation . What P??? Sses me off the most.. the young ones my kids inc call ya just an old fart.. remembering old stuff,, i say.. your freedoms r cause of these men and woman.. but they dont care...


        • Originally posted by f4u ausie View Post
          Been reading all this.. watched it all as a youngster.. they were a brave generation . What P??? Sses me off the most.. the young ones my kids inc call ya just an old fart.. remembering old stuff,, i say.. your freedoms r cause of these men and woman.. but they dont care...
          TOTALLY agree with you, F4UAussie! As long as people like you and I are around, these heroes won't be forgotten. After us, I don't know...



          • Hey guys, I was disappointed in not being able to fly on Sept 15th due to cataract surgery. Got the second eye done this morning and I'm hoping to get back into by Sunday or Monday. It's already looking so much better, details I've missed or longed to see again are suddenly showing up.

            Won't be long.

            Team Gross!


            • Grossman56, awesome report, so glad to know you're truly on the mend. Perhaps, we should start calling you EagleEye56. Best, LB
              I solemnly swear to "over-celebrate" the smallest of victories.
              ~Lucky B*st*rd~

              You'll never be good at something unless you're willing to suck at it first.



              • Originally posted by Grossman56 View Post
                Hey guys, I was disappointed in not being able to fly on Sept 15th due to cataract surgery. Got the second eye done this morning and I'm hoping to get back into by Sunday or Monday. It's already looking so much better, details I've missed or longed to see again are suddenly showing up.

                Won't be long.

                Good to hear, Grossman56! I held down the fort at our field in Cody and got a couple of good flights in with my Spittie to honor the occasion. I'm sure next year, you'll be able to participate, per usual! Good to hear the eye surgeries have gone well!



                • I'm hoping to fly tomorrow morning, probably something easy like the RV8, just to get a feel for the new eyeballs. I've actually dug out my old Raybans that I haven't worn in close to 38 years. Back in the Tom Cruise Top Gun days. Don't know why I kept them for that long, but I just couldn't give them up, glad I didn't because they are great now!! Too bad they're associated with old Joe now. One old guy to another I guess, besides, Cruise ain't that young either

                  Team Gross!


                  • Grossman56

                    Still have my RBs (black frame aviators/dark green lenses) circa '73.

                    I have replaced every part on 'em at least once.

                    Don't wear those much these days, but still have them.

           me anyway.

                    Best, LB
                    I solemnly swear to "over-celebrate" the smallest of victories.
                    ~Lucky B*st*rd~

                    You'll never be good at something unless you're willing to suck at it first.



                    • Same hear. I still have my Ray Bans from my flying days in the Air Force. I'm scheduled to have cataract surgery in December and I plan on wearing them again. Were not old just well aged!


                      • Grossman56
                        Grossman56 commented
                        Editing a comment
                        Easy Peasy my friend. Because I had an astigmatism in the right eye, I went the mid grade lenses, ($2200) the left eye didn't have the astigmatism so only needed the basic, which didn't cost anything. It came out great.

                    • Originally posted by kallend View Post
                      Flew mine today.

                      Had the Battle of Britain ended in a defeat for the RAF the world would be a very different place today.
                      Here I am in the UK and not even thinking of flying my Spit on Battle of Britain day and you guys , our friends and allies across the pond, flying your Spits on September 15 !
                      Thanks very much guys, we appreciate it 😃👍 . Most people over here haven’t a clue about the Battle of Britain or the implications if those badly outnumbered pilots had lost the battle. If you look up the photo of Brian ‘Sandy’ Lane , you’ll see the look of strain on the young man’s face, sadly to be KIA two years later.


                      • Click image for larger version

Name:	Battle_of_Britain_(movie_poster).jpg
Views:	144
Size:	29.7 KB
ID:	411134

                        A big fan of the movie and a big fan of WW II history as well. In the words of Winston Churchill, "Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few"
                        He also said that if we forget our history, we are bound to repeat it.
                        In an interview with Suzanna York about her role in the movie, this was in the '60's', she said that she knew virtually nothing of the battle either and that was just some 20 -25 years after when so many were alive that lived through it.

                        Team Gross!


                        • Et al,

                          Posted this at the "Lounge".

                          Thought it a great poster, true or not.

                          Best, LB

                          Click image for larger version

Name:	1721218538456.jpg
Views:	173
Size:	116.0 KB
ID:	411137
                          I solemnly swear to "over-celebrate" the smallest of victories.
                          ~Lucky B*st*rd~

                          You'll never be good at something unless you're willing to suck at it first.



                          • Originally posted by Elbee View Post
                            Et al,

                            Posted this at the "Lounge".

                            Thought it a great poster, true or not.

                            Best, LB

                            Click image for larger version

Name:	1721218538456.jpg
Views:	173
Size:	116.0 KB
ID:	411137
                            Whether it is real or not, it is excellent!!



                            • The first page and first sentence of our Dash 1 for the KC-135 said flying is inherently dangerous so respect your aircraft rules and regulations, but it was still fun no matter what.


                              • Originally posted by boomer108 View Post
                                The first page and first sentence of our Dash 1 for the KC-135 said flying is inherently dangerous so respect your aircraft rules and regulations, but it was still fun no matter what.
                                I Totally get the danger involved with tanking aircraft of all sorts, all times of weather, night and day that you guys had to handle with perfection. Good on 'ya and everyone else who did your job!

                                My dad flew bombers in WWII and Korea, and then flew B-47s in the mid-1950s. He took some video (8mm wind up movie camera) of tanking with the KC-97s. The tankers had to go into a descent and I think the B-47s put down some flaps just so they could hook up without some disaster! That was in the early days of modern air to air refueling.



                                • Has anyone done any modifications to the power system to make this plane a tad bit faster?


                                  • Personally, I haven't, but the easiest mod you might want to try is the zip tie mod.

                                    Team Gross!


                                    • Originally posted by Grossman56 View Post
                                      Personally, I haven't, but the easiest mod you might want to try is the zip tie mod.

                                      Gross what the heck is the zip tie mod??


                                      • Originally posted by Grossman56 View Post
                                        Personally, I haven't, but the easiest mod you might want to try is the zip tie mod.

                                        Yeah, what is a Zip-Tie Mod? Best, LB
                                        I solemnly swear to "over-celebrate" the smallest of victories.
                                        ~Lucky B*st*rd~

                                        You'll never be good at something unless you're willing to suck at it first.


