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Official Freewing Twin 80mm F-14D Tomcat Thread

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  • I put an AR10360T with the recent (today) firmware update to AS3X+ in my Tomcat. I am pleased to report that it works really well with the default gains with the wings forward, and needs the roll gain reduced slightly with the wings back, when it is also very good. Certainly better than my experience with the stock gyro.

    EDIT: wrong thread - it was my 64mm Tomcat, not the 80mm one.


    • Well the F14 is ready to fly am going to replace the elevator servos first won’t take big 10-20 minutes for that. Alls working probably along with the Mirage EDF and ESC’s installed definitely has tons more power than the older stock ones ever thought about having. Having some health issues hopefully I’ll be able to maiden this weekend will post a update after hopefully all goes well
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      • do some enhancement.
        The purpose is to use heavier batteries。
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        • Oh yea I made my own designed to stuff SMC 59/5100’s far back as possible. Finally was able to maiden Monday all went well except the plastic front gear support snapped wasn’t a rough landing but I got this second hand and she sat in a shed for a few years thinking the plastic just got brittle. Replacement arrived today hope to get her back up tomorrow
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          • Holly **** is the F14 fast 💨 I did replace the EDF’s ESC’s with the Mirage update system with 100amp ESC’s. Using SMC hivolt 59/5100 packs level pass wings out and look at the speed on the old girl with 4:45 on the clock still this amount left in my packs
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            • Just Bought the FreeWing F-14 80mm and I'm so excited!!! any tips for a new Freewing customer?


              • ShampooFlyer(Riley), Welcome to "The Squawk", glad to have you onboard, SIr.

                I own this one myself, though it is still in the box. I will begin a repaint and modify build later this year.

                There are many YT videos about setting up the Freewing Tomcat.

                I suggest Two Brothers RC, RC Aviator, and RC Geek for great reviews and setups.

                Best, LB
                I solemnly swear to "over-celebrate" the smallest of victories.
                ~Lucky B*st*rd~

                You'll never be good at something unless you're willing to suck at it first.



                • What Elbee said about reading the reviews and through this thread.

                  I consider upgrading the power system and reinforcing the retract mounts (main and nose) to be "must do" mods.


                  • Originally posted by Evan D View Post
                    Most all the 80's are changing over to the new 2150 and some, not all, to the 100A reversing ESC. Interesting that they did put in the newer marked 80A ESCs in the F-14. This tells me it will not be going to the 2150's any time soon. Why, I don't know. Could be it's no longer a big seller or it could be they are thinking of a V2 with other updates. I hope it's the later as the TC has been around for a long time and does deserve the update.
                    More than a year later and still the MRC web site shows the original ESCs and EDF units in the 80mm Tomcat.

                    Freewing F-14 Tomcat Twin 12-Blade 80mm EDF Jet in "Bullet 101" Scheme - PNP - FJ30812P Version Info: This is the PNP version of the Freewing F-14. The pictures show the optional pylons and weapon set which are not included with the plane. These can be purchased separately by clicking the "upgrades" tab. We here at Mot


                    • I suppose the push marketing will be all about the 64mm version now.

                      As cool as that EDF might be or is, IMHO bigger is still better.

                      I was able to buy the 80mm ARF+ version (don't know if that is still an option at MRC), so buying up the list for the later EDF Systems was easy.

                      But as usual I had not gotten to this build before 2 newer EDF systems were sevelped and I have both the MiG Upgraded EDF system that fits the Tomcat, and now I have the set up kallend mentioned with the 2150 and reversing ESC's.

                      The former is for sale..

                      Best, LB
                      I solemnly swear to "over-celebrate" the smallest of victories.
                      ~Lucky B*st*rd~

                      You'll never be good at something unless you're willing to suck at it first.



                      • I replaced the EDF ESC’s with the Mirage power system, battery mod and my own front retract reinforcement with elevator servo upgrade. Unbelievable how fast she rotates now, battery tray that and front gear upgrade totally made my F14 a great package the servos are really nice but not necessary. Got 5 more flight in on mine today all butter landings swept the wings back first time really love how she flies with power to spare now. I cruise on 40% throttle now crazy how the EDF ESC replacements changed her highly recommended
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                        • If you upgrade your powerplants the very next item on my list would be elevator servos and linkages. I've been flying the same airframe continuously now for seven years, the deciding factor for me was as the stock servos aged the nose would start to tuck in turns with the wings swept. The aircraft was recovered only by swinging the wings forward again. two servos that control nearly 100 percent of roll and all your pitch. Stock motion servos are generally pretty terrible, you will notice a difference. IMHO.


                          • I think he said he replaced his elevator servos but didn't think it was necessary, that is one thing I haven't done on mine yet but may look into that, they seem a little sloppy and without going through all the threads, which servos do you guys recommend that fit with no issues?? Thanks


                            • DCORSAIR,

                              The PDF Manual shows OEM Std&Rev 17 gram servos (whatever that means), but in the "Spare Parts" listings on the website there are 23 gram Std&Rev listed.

                              My guess is those are the elevator "Upgrade" servos from the original design and those shoud be a drop in fit for the 17 gram servos like the upgrades for the F-18C Hornet.

                              I will be replacing those servos in my build as I have no clue which come installed from MotionRC now.

                              Is there a way to differentiate between the OEM 17 gram servos and the OEM 23 gram servos?

                              Plastic output shaft versus brass output shaft? Anything?

                              I would think HiTec or Futaba would have something that is a drop in replacement and MRC sells both now I believe.

                              Best, LB

                              I solemnly swear to "over-celebrate" the smallest of victories.
                              ~Lucky B*st*rd~

                              You'll never be good at something unless you're willing to suck at it first.



                              • Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_3477.jpg
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ID:	409351 HiTec D85's are a drop in fit. I used their digital programmer to reverse one servo so I could still use the motion mixing board and leave my tx settings alone. 440 push rods and an aluminum servo arm


                                • pullupnow, nicely done. Best, LB
                                  I solemnly swear to "over-celebrate" the smallest of victories.
                                  ~Lucky B*st*rd~

                                  You'll never be good at something unless you're willing to suck at it first.



                                  • Anyone hear rumors about a V2 Tomcat? I haven’t, just curious…


                                    • nope


                                      • Nope not me, still flying my V-1 that has been out for years now...............


                                        • Just finished up my F14 waiting on another AR10360t first one not working right to program ailerons ( wing ) to not operate when wings are in. For now just flying wings out hopefully any time I can sweep them in
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