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Alternative motor windings and drive schemes
Hi Hubert, just let him do his old windings. The Ralph Okon aka Powercroco YY electric motor winding that increases power loss. If someone is so resistant to advice, ignoring harmonics, increasing proximity losses, round wire winding, the pensioner finds himself overwhelmed. 😂 Look, they haven't even had the control electronics improved for their application. Why no Hall probes? Synclos wouldn't be an issue and most coils would even still be alive. There are already enough controllers, e.g. from Kontronik, that detect and switch off errors in the live cables. Plug resistance too high. Winding resistance increases disproportionately compared to the cold connection resistance = switch off, etc. That's no longer rocket science today. The LRK winding with individual coils simply has a higher winding factor = fewer turns with a larger conductor cross section. These are just very simple gifts that you get. They've never heard of boosters with capacitors. Well, that's how the scrap is still used, children are happy. But it is not progress. That they are still docking around with 10 poles instead of 14 or more 20 with winding factor 1 and double frequency. yes, then an overlapping winding is how bad. I'll send you another paper about the booster creators.
Happy Amps Christian
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Originally posted by Chxpress View PostHi Hubert, just let him do his old windings. The Ralph Okon aka Powercroco YY electric motor winding that increases power loss. If someone is so resistant to advice, ignoring harmonics, increasing proximity losses, round wire winding, the pensioner finds himself overwhelmed. 😂 Look, they haven't even had the control electronics improved for their application. Why no Hall probes? Synclos wouldn't be an issue and most coils would even still be alive. There are already enough controllers, e.g. from Kontronik, that detect and switch off errors in the live cables. Plug resistance too high. Winding resistance increases disproportionately compared to the cold connection resistance = switch off, etc. That's no longer rocket science today. The LRK winding with individual coils simply has a higher winding factor = fewer turns with a larger conductor cross section. These are just very simple gifts that you get. They've never heard of boosters with capacitors. Well, that's how the scrap is still used, children are happy. But it is not progress. That they are still docking around with 10 poles instead of 14 or more 20 with winding factor 1 and double frequency. yes, then an overlapping winding is how bad. I'll send you another paper about the booster creators.
Happy Amps Christian
Heaven help us.....
For me this cut you gave me is very interesting because I can implement WELC cooling channel directly into the stator and purge it with cryogenic gas. I wish you would have made this 50mm. But at 125mm with a huge ID im thinking about pancake direct contra drives. And drive it with Talega. You need to send me a blue print of dimension like hole spacing etc. and I can print a very strong lightweight composite bearing housing for it and channel it for whatever cooling a fool wants. I can take the windings well into the negative temperatures but then he needs my cryogenically shock proof thermally conductive material to hold it all together and get the best benefit. But that all requires too much intuitive thought into it so I wont keep suggesting it to Mr November.
I sent you a paper link Chris. Ralph says he doesn't need any gimmicks to fly faster.... so i wont post it here.
Enjoy the rest your day.
Use it constructively.
P.O.C.B.O.I. would use ferrofluid in the WELC channels wound through the iron and eliminate the necessity of a pump. Hopefully you understand how it would work and be very novel. No one has this in a speed plane Chris. This is a real cooling concept with proven space age reference I guess they cannot understand. it works by curie effect of the suspended iron particles in the oil or water based substrate. The cold ones in cooler fluid will have a stronger magnetic field with the stator and just push the hot ones and fluid out of the way in a continuous loop through a cooled sink. It truly is space age from NASA for moving fuel in a rocket motor.
Today, 01:35 AM
Still here Ralph? LOL.
I want to see what you and Sebastian do on any of the subject matter in 3 months. See you in November!!!!
Vicente "Vince" Bortone's Pyro 600 for F3A winding is completed in 18 AWG. 240C* Remington
On the 7:1 coax contra with 22 x 20s this motor will turn 28,000-30,000 rpm and see peaks around 4kW in the intended application.
All my guys fly ceramic hybrid bearings & thermally coupled windings.
After a flight with an ambient temperature of 28C, the motor runs about 65C on the outside of the rotor.
The typical consumption for a P25 schedule with this motor on Adams D3 is around 3000 mah. 🙊
From '98
Design of PM brushless motors using iron-resin composites for automotive applications
Published in: Conference Record of 1998 IEEE Industry Applications Conference. Thirty-Third IAS Annual Meeting (Cat. No.98CH36242)
Date of Conference: 12-15 October 1998
Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 06 August 2002
Print ISBN:0-7803-4943-1
Print ISSN: 0197-2618
DOI: 10.1109/IAS.1998.732251
Publisher: IEEE
Conference Location: St. Louis, MO, USA
Da weichmagnetische Materialien aus Eisenharz nun für Wechselstrommagnetanwendungen druckbar sind. Diese Materialien, die oft als dielektromagnetische Materialien bezeichnet werden, weisen im Allgemeinen relativ niedrige Permeabilitäts- und Sättigungsinduktionswerte auf, haben jedoch viele Vorteile, wenn sie im Konstruktionsprozess von Motoren richtig verwendet werden. Die relativ niedrigen Werte der ungesättigten Permeabilität sind bei bürstenlosen Permanentmagnetmotoren (PM) kein wichtiger Nachteil. In diesem Fall wird der effektive Luftspalt der magnetischen Struktur durch die Länge des Magneten bestimmt, der praktisch eine relative Permeabilität von eins hat. Ein Elektroautolüfter, der aus einem herkömmlichen PM-Gleichstrommotor mit einem mechanischen Kollektor besteht, wurde ausgewählt, um die Leistung der Motoren mit diesen neuen weichmagnetischen Materialien zu veranschaulichen und die Konstruktionsmethoden des Autors für bürstenlose PM-Motoren zu validieren. Es werden zwei Prototypen von bürstenlosen PM-Motoren mit einem dielektromagnetischen Material vorgestellt, die den herkömmlichen Gleichstrommotor vorteilhaft ersetzen können. Diese Prototypen haben konzentrierte Wicklungen anstelle von verteilten Wicklungen, um das Kupfervolumen zu minimieren. Die magnetische Struktur des ersten Prototyps ist mit kleinen Zähnen ausgestattet, die zwischen den Hauptpolen angeordnet sind. Die experimentellen Ergebnisse zeigen, dass mit dieser speziellen Anordnung das gleiche Drehmomentverhalten erreicht wird, wie mit klassischen Strukturen mit verteilten Wicklungen.
Hi Hubert,
thanks for the papers. I'll read them over the next few days.
In the last post the iron powder resin mixture is quite interesting. I know from the Flyware model that Andreas Wehrle was developing very similar versions. At Andreas Motoren, the windings were previously completely manufactured as pure air coils and used in a die-casting device. Then the powder/resin mixture was injected, with high pressure and quite high temperature. This means that even highly filled mixtures can be pressed cleanly into a mold using pressure. Due to the high temperature, the resin is quite thin and, on the other hand, hardens very quickly. There are no air spaces in such a stator; these stators are completely filled with magnetically conductive material. Thanks to clever design of the geometries, the stators are filled with iron particles and are magnetically very usable. Andreas did this with the company PMDM at the time, but then did not carry it out further for model making. Excellent slot filling wedges can be made with such materials. We have manufactured such stator slot fillers from thin 0.2 mm silicon iron wire in molds. They also worked very well, but are more complex to produce, etc.
PMDM is since 2006 the Company ,
Happy Amps Christian
Originally posted by Chxpress View PostHi Hubert,
thanks for the papers. I'll read them over the next few days.
In the last post the iron powder resin mixture is quite interesting. I know from the Flyware model that Andreas Wehrle was developing very similar versions. At Andreas Motoren, the windings were previously completely manufactured as pure air coils and used in a die-casting device. Then the powder/resin mixture was injected, with high pressure and quite high temperature. This means that even highly filled mixtures can be pressed cleanly into a mold using pressure. Due to the high temperature, the resin is quite thin and, on the other hand, hardens very quickly. There are no air spaces in such a stator; these stators are completely filled with magnetically conductive material. Thanks to clever design of the geometries, the stators are filled with iron particles and are magnetically very usable. Andreas did this with the company PMDM at the time, but then did not carry it out further for model making. Excellent slot filling wedges can be made with such materials. We have manufactured such stator slot fillers from thin 0.2 mm silicon iron wire in molds. They also worked very well, but are more complex to produce, etc.
PMDM is since 2006 the Company ,
Happy Amps Christian
Just wait till you see what the "Artist" and The Scorpion King produce 90 days from now. 4 years wasn't enuf time for the OP to wrap 12 arms of a hybrid Christian? There is a level of dishonesty where you have to say wow that's a sickness.
Sich diesen ganzen Unsinn anhören zu müssen, dass seine Daten verwendet werden, um eine Debatte zu beginnen, ist genau der Punkt. Warum zum Teufel hat er den Thread überhaupt gestartet? Für unverdiente Aufmerksamkeit? Wirklich ärgerlich. Er hat nie etwas geschossen, um Daten zu sammeln. Haben Sie einen Hybridmotor von ihm gesehen? Sie oder Ralph? Dies ist ein Grund, warum Foren, in denen jeder frei reden kann, egal, was er wirklich weiß, für mich nicht kritisch sind. Es ist äußerst schwierig, genaue Informationen weiterzugeben, wenn ständig gefälschte Leitartikel im Umlauf sind. Warum jemand so etwas tun würde, ist mir schleierhaft.
Das ist beängstigend
Die Frequenz, die Rennsemmel ausstrahlt, lässt mir die Nackenhaare zu Berge stehen.
The empty stator arms lead to beliefs like these:Warum so angefressen? Liegts an der fehlenden Stunde heute Nacht?
Das Ergebnis ist sicher interessant und angesichts des Starttermins für diesen Threat, ist die Schlussfolgerung naheliegend.
Exactly what we are trying to dispel. Non belief. It hurts the cause of posting the new winding technology tremendously.
If a person doesn't want to fuel dispute would you not agree that starting an entire thread about it certainly wont be effective for that cause? Why not be quiet and just stay all the way out of the topic and let the "disputers" do the posting on the subject matter as a way to not fuel anything?
See my problem?
90 Tage Nichtstun werden Ihnen viel über diese beiden Unruhestifter im GSM zeigen
Thank you for your time and patience.