And a long long time before I ever became friends with Christian I always as did many American boaters feel that Lehner's were some of the absolute best motors money could buy in our sport which is much more amperage heavy than ANY rc airplane. We're seeing amperages over 1000. I don't think he understands that Chris. But again he just want to draw others into banter filled with fallacy. This is still not the way. The way is to accept the proven science try it and then say it did nothing if it didn't then you have to get someone else to conf. He makes all kinds of claims but can only support it with his own site..
This is why I say give it 90 days to let things cool off so the constructive mind and conversation can return. A devils entire preface is reverse psychology to get you to show him how and or distraction to the focus needed to create. I cant do it . I'm too busy and under time lines. The printer is on the way dont forget! Flussperren is coming. Wedges are coming. Flux switch is coming. There are no secrets, but many different ways to overtake an electric motor that has 5 dollar bearings installed .
It isn't fascinating for me.
This is why I say give it 90 days to let things cool off so the constructive mind and conversation can return. A devils entire preface is reverse psychology to get you to show him how and or distraction to the focus needed to create. I cant do it . I'm too busy and under time lines. The printer is on the way dont forget! Flussperren is coming. Wedges are coming. Flux switch is coming. There are no secrets, but many different ways to overtake an electric motor that has 5 dollar bearings installed .
It isn't fascinating for me.