And we dont care really we just find it amazing how people throw their money down the drain for the same thing over and over again if it fails. We can see you care less since you find it a joke in Germany.
No announcement yet.
Alternative motor windings and drive schemes
Steueroasen sind im Allgemeinen vorteilhaft, wenn man sie aus der Perspektive des Einzelnen oder des Unternehmens betrachtet. Und Steueroasen können auch aus einer gesamtgesellschaftlichen Perspektive wünschenswert sein. Denn die Erosion der Steuerbemessungsgrundlage kann bei weitgehend vorteilhaften Steueroasen (wie etwa Spenden an wohltätige Zwecke) ein akzeptabler Verlust sein. Natürlich haben einige Steueroasen wenig bis gar keinen sozialen Nutzen oder sind sogar schädlich. So können Steueroasen beispielsweise zu ineffizienten Investitionen führen, indem sie Einzelpersonen und Unternehmen dazu verleiten, Entscheidungen auf der Grundlage der Steuerersparnisse und nicht der Auswirkungen auf die wirtschaftliche Effizienz zu treffen.
Hör auf, so gierig zu sein und gib tatsächlich etwas zurück. Du würdest dem Typen, der so viel Geld bei dir ausgegeben hat, nicht einmal ein Hybridlager für einen völlig speziellen Motor und eine spezielle Anwendung geben. Das ist verrückt. Wie geizig und gierig du bist, aber es überrascht mich nicht, dass Nehmer nehmen.
Wenn ich im Ausverkauf kein Hybridlager für 20.000 bekommen könnte, würde ich Ihnen nie mein Geld geben.
The F3A boys can know I ran out and only had 2 hybrids for Vicente's motor so I drop shipped one direct to him after sending the running motor. The 1 bearing cost 30.00. That's double what the pair cost . What's so funny about the contra boys is they replace them every season still anyway...
Its at least 60 dollars worth of ball bearings in master rebuilds regardless in this case more like 90
Enjoy the knockers......
Hi Hubert,
One wonders how someone has only been posting the stators that have been snapped off and rewound for 20 years. People have really seen this enough, especially when nothing new is happening and the planes are becoming slower and slower despite enormous increases in the performance of the battery cells. Conclusion: Powercroco drives are increasingly only being wound suitable for slow flyers. Progress looks different.
Happy Amps Christian
Originally posted by Chxpress View PostHi Hubert,
One wonders how someone has only been posting the stators that have been snapped off and rewound for 20 years. People have really seen this enough, especially when nothing new is happening and the planes are becoming slower and slower despite enormous increases in the performance of the battery cells. Conclusion: Powercroco drives are increasingly only being wound suitable for slow flyers. Progress looks different.
Happy Amps Christian
"To complete the Joker test I had the next bigger 6350 with 5320 stator sent to me, which only costs 87€.
Unfortunately, it does not have a higher maximum torque at the same speed, i.e. no higher synclos current compared to the 130g lighter 5060.
However, it offers more winding space, therefore more copper in the slots and thus a lower internal resistance, which makes it more resilient, but unfortunately not as much as the additional weight.
Thus, a tuning winding would not have been of any use, because the syncloss starts too early in relation to the weight, so the construction of the cut and magnet system offers no tuning potential, so it was sold again.
Instead, the next smaller 4250 came with a 3520 stator, which was absolutely convincing, because the synclos current is very high for the motor size.
Therefore, I took the trouble to remove the stator insulation and re-insulate it with very low-viscosity resin.
So there was room for many turns with high load capacity to wind a 4250-7, which is unfortunately not offered.
The 14+14 x 0.85 DD winding has 635U/V at 24° timing and a syncloss of 100A, which allows a Fiala 14x8 to operate on 6s with 11000U at 90A.
With 2kW at only 220g, at least twice the original power at even lower speed, clearly with twice the speed 4kW was already possible.
But even in the original for just 50€, such a 4250 is really a joker!"
Greetings Schmiddi
So you see....👀For their level of performance there are much cheaper working dogs out there.
- Powercroco
User A defective elevator servo can also break a motor.
Although it is still running, it is sufficiently damaged to have to be replaced.
It's just a good thing that there were cheap ball bearings in it, otherwise the damage would have been much more expensive than the usual 100€ directly to the shelter for the rewinding.
With the usual service life of the bearings in speed flight, the normal industrial bearings are clearly the more sensible way.
But you can only understand something like that if you have gained your own experience in this material-modern sport.
With mere stupid talking, knowing better and piling up, you just don't come to this realization.
AppendixesLast edited: Today at 16:44
VG Ralph
- Powercroco
Yeah Ralph,
The elevators fault....
Firstly you're not on this site for these remote Reponses in Germany
Secondly the kettle logic makes zero sense. ......since the motor failed it is good it has cheap bearings in it so he doesn't have to spend the mere peanuts to buy more. I mean this is partly why my motors are more efficient than yours. You want to feed the poor yorkies but provide ya customers a good bearing...oh hell naw!!!
That bearing just cost too much but the 20 grand burned up in your planes and motors that crash all the time is not a problem???
What an irrational thought process. The bearings you use are no better than the ones in a 50 dollar joker.
It is that simple
Er redet immer, aber niemand ist so dumm wie er. In welchem Wettkampfsport verwenden die Motorenbauer die billigsten Komponenten, die sie finden können, um einen Motor zu bauen? Nur ein verdammter Idiot weiß nicht, dass er keine Kosten scheuen muss, um die besten Innenteile zu bekommen. Daran erkennt man einen verdammten Idioten, wenn man einen liest.
und welches Genie stürzt ständig ab und nimmt keine Änderungen vor? Er und seine Freunde klingen dumm.
If you think you need something like this or expect a competitive advantage from it, you are of course welcome to provide "really good" bearings.
I have no problem with installing something like that.
So far I have not found a manufacturer of engines that can be used for speed flying that installs upper class or even ceramic bearings - Lehner, Kontronik, Neu, Leo, Scorpion, X -Nova, even the retired Plettenberg and Strecker did not have such a thing.
By the way, on request I can also arrange a leaf gilding + air break of the bell!
But then it takes time and will certainly cost a lot.
VG Ralph
More remote responses
Noch mehr idiotische Standardlogik, denn keines dieser Unternehmen stellt einen Wettbewerbsmotor speziell für Hochgeschwindigkeitsflüge her. Nur ein Idiot folgt der COTS-Richtung für High-End-Wettbewerbe in Flugzeugen, die Tausende kosten. Sie klingen wie ein echter Idiot, wenn Sie von 30 Dollar für einen Satz Lager in einem 2.000-10.000 Dollar teuren Flugzeug sprechen. Ich meine, keines dieser Unternehmen gerät so oft in Schwierigkeiten wie Sie. Was ist neu daran?
was macht ihr zwei, postet dummen Mist in Deutschland und kommt dann hierher zurück, um die Reaktion zu sehen? Mann, kriegt euer Leben in den Griff!
Ich habe mit echten Dingen zu tun, wie kompletten Motorwinden, die nicht ständig durchbrennen. Höhere Leerlaufströme, DNFs und Brände in den Gehäusen sind alles, was ich sehe. Powercroco ist die neue Boeing im Hobby.
Eine fehlerhafte Steuerfläche ist seiner Meinung nach die neueste Ursache für Motorausfälle. Er wird es genauso wieder aufbauen und Sie werden sehen, dass es in ein paar Monaten wieder ausgefallen ist
Last Activity: Today, 06:12 AM
Joined: Sep 13, 2023
Location: Dresden Germany
But your not on this site. so who are these post to in Germany about bearings? You are never honest with the forums or hobbyist. You really think they are stupid.
But all you do is burn then lie about it.
The elevator???
yeah right!!!
I have better things to do and you dont have to keep making excuses why you use 5 dollar bearing in 1000 dollar engine builds.
KEEP DOING IT AND BE HAPPY WITH YOUR STELLAR RESULTS!! u dont know anything about its real efficiency with unilog
Bye bye.... u can camp here all day for nothing. Im out enjoying life.
The difference is clear because I tell people before hand if money is an issue and they want cheap just contact you.
The motors dont make any torque they are reactive power drama queens that heat up quick where 24kW=7.62Nm of output at the shaft even with water cooling.
The are many photos and fire breathing videos to support these facts!
The FAA should ground you for all the fires you have .
UserSince a Fiala 13x7 is enough for me for my Sbach and I wanted to use the maximum 110A of the 65LVT, I optimized the 4250 again.
With a 12+12 x 0.95 DD winding, I was able to increase the filling level by 7%, so it has 740U/V at 24° timing.
As expected, the synclos current increased by the 28:24 turn ratio to 117A, so 110A is now usable.
This means that the Fiala 13x7 is rotated to 6s with 13000U and allows itself 108A, i.e. 2.4 kW, I think now it is exhausted. Appendixes