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Alternative motor windings and drive schemes
I know some motor winder overseas complained about the bearings I use . its okay. Right now I get them from a USA supplier at 15 dollars a pop. I could buy a lot from China alot cheaper but I'm scared of the quality even though they say they are the same. I really wish I could find a Swiss supplier of hybrid bearings., The Dry lube treatment that is performed means they don't need grease or to be lubricated. They are faster with even less drag that way.
Thank you,
Ich muss die Leute fragen, wenn Ralph ihr Gott ist, warum sind sie und er überhaupt hier und beobachten mich? Von seinem Rassismus bis zu seinen geilen Motoren bin ich nicht beeindruckt. Warum bleibst du nicht in Deutschland und scheiterst mit ihm? Ich habe nicht vor, die Arier weiter zu unterrichten. Ich wünschte, sie würden sich ehrlich gesagt verziehen. Ich brauche sie ganz offensichtlich für nichts. Ich bin Amerikaner und in jeder Hinsicht völlig autark. Mit solchen Leuten verkehre ich nicht. Und sie verkehren nicht mit mir, sonst wäre ich nicht von dieser bescheuerten Seite gesperrt worden.
Ich spüle es die Toilette hinunter, wo es hingehört.
Genieße das Leben und finde Glauben. Ein Scorpion der 35er-Serie wird niemals 580 km/h fliegen. Es ist mir egal, was du vorne an den POS schnallst!
The little A boy with no distinct plane in these reports. 580 in the 1.1 at 10kW sure.... Its all lies anyway he doesn't have a single speeding ticket just a theory!!! that didn't account for everything. Ralph Okon has been lying to the forums for years. As you can plainly see his friends and the Germans only site has helped to facilitate that. he wont come here and sell US the same lies. You can forget it! Ill challenge every lie with numbers.
Ralph Okon is not the only person in this world that can wind a motor. Steve Neu also agrees with this statement as well as many others in this industry. He was never the outlier in Germany anyway. Bert sunk him and his scorpions many times 😛
he still winds the same old junk. The latest Brillance is not potting wires at all and 5 dollar steel bearings. This is the pinnacle of performance?
OK! if you say so.....
Hi Ralph,
Im writing you in English to day because I don't care if your friends can read it or not all the way in Germany. You talk about engineering so let me ask about yours...
You have the Xnova for direct drive mounting a outside the airframe. You see clearly the axial cooling holes that the radial fan would feed in a helicopter where the rush of air from flight approaches the motor radially not axially. Since you have it mounted at the front on the plane where it approaches the motor axially why did you remount the radial fan behind a closed spinner and a piece of aluminum that you do not need that makes both means of cooling the motor ineffective and the entire drive weigh more?
Now It doesn't make sense for optimal cooling of the motor windings does it? So in the Smiddy calculator make sure to put fair or poor cooling as a parameter in the theories generated in the flight caculator.
The next question i have is do you think in a direct drive with a 7 X 12 folder from markus beats the supernova? In what plane? . You never posted any numbers from this but id suspect that they couldn't trust them in their intended plane for a direct direct drive 3225 unless they plan to mount a YGE 400 in it like you did....
A modeler tried the suggested setup says the motor sounds different now and was left hanging on the subject matter back in march of this year.
When does he geat an answer about the setup thats not working for him. The smart MEZON 160 controller said no!
So how much does the power dwarf draw Ralph?
Or does Jeti not know how their inverter works?
Remote answers work.
A 200 mph 1500g Speedfire2 with a 1200Kv Pyro 600 on a 3.7 planetary on 10s lipo is going to draw every bit of 160 amps and be right at the limits of the power dwarfs temp which we rate at 100C for any motor calculation. The plane can fit a suitable castle 200 or APD F3 200 inverter quite easily. lighter and more throughput with much lower on resistance. The xnova also still weighs a little more than a Pyro 600 . 😀
So what are you building there in Germany????????
Id love to know more about it in direct drive mode on the suggested 7 X 12, 13 and 14 from Bieko composites.
Tell the truth....
Thank you,
Hallo Christian,
Das Patent für den doppelten Flussfokus ist wirklich ein geniales Design. Ich habe mehr über die daraus resultierende Polmaschine nachgedacht. Anstelle von Laminierung verwenden Sie Blöcke aus verlustarmem, niederem Koerzitivfeld, aber hochpermeablem Alpha-Eisen. Zinnfreie Kerne sind viel billiger. Und werden wahrscheinlich besser funktionieren als Siliziumstahl. Die andere Sache, die die Kinder in Dresden nicht versucht haben, ist, eine Seite der Zahnspitze an allen Zähnen abzufeilen und dann eine einzelne Schicht aufzuwickeln. Es ist jetzt ein Richtungsmotor. Eine Richtung ist ein ausgezeichneter Motor, die Richtung wechseln, jetzt ist es ein ausgezeichneter Generator. Das wurde in Dresden nie getestet. Vertrauen Sie mir. Richtig gemacht wird es zu mehr Drehmoment führen.
What's up, Crisco? I wrote a letter to Dr. David Howe some time ago about an engine design. He replied to me months ago about academic topics, but I've only seen it now. I'll have to look at the original paper again to see what I was talking about. After I have regained my composure, I will answer.
He may not be successful enough for German social media.
I'll talk to you later,
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No reports on that direct drive xnova in crocoworld either.
I see Its silent there..... with the Jeti mezon 160 fault status code 128
Xnova 3225vorbereitet für den Speedeinsatz in Vorspantmontage |
Great to see some truth coming through Ralph. They at their own risk at the "old" promised levels now huh? But I still want the boys to remember this desynchronization level s posted there for pyro 1000 with a YGE 320 😁
Also the scorpion 5050's had been been reported as 24 kW motors for years till today now they 18.....