Measured constants on the Castle Hydra Ice HV v2 at 10 degrees timing.
Kv 1027
Rm 15.5 milliohms ( calibrated VC 480c+ milliohm meter)
Io @ 15.4 volts was (1.3 amperes south wire 21010N clamp meter at the motor) 1.6 amperes in the castle log.
With this winding, every wire really lies where it should be.
Let's see what will work with it in real life.
The realistic empirical table locates this winding at a good 280A for one minute (under speeder cooling conditions). VG Ralph
Ich habe Ihr letztes Foto gesehen und das ist eine schöne Wicklung, aber wenn es bifilar ist, können Sie es behalten. U und diese empirische Tabelle sollte in RC-Gruppen sein, wo Sie Steve Neu sagten, dass die APD Ihren Motor bei 400 Ampere vorzeitig begrenzt und dort nicht gesättigt wird. Sehen Sie, wie Sie Geschichten erzählen, um Leute zu beeindrucken, Ralph. Sie wissen, wenn Sie hier 280 hineinstecken, wird der Motor bei 400 gesättigt. Das ist genau das, was wir berechnet haben.
Wenn es bifilar ist, dann sind die Drähte, egal wie schön es ist, nicht an der richtigen Stelle für optimale Leistung, weil bei jeder Wicklung die beiden Drähte axial in den Schlitz auf unterschiedlichen Ebenen gelegt werden. Unterschiedliche Ebenen haben unterschiedliche Stromdichten. Wenn Sie darauf bestehen, gibt es eine intelligentere Art, es zu wickeln.
what will you secure those beautiful coils with at the 280 amperes?
Good thing about you tube is it takes statistics of video viewing and shows me the most interested viewers come from where Americans? You see him and his boys????
On 10 s lipo this motor is going to make 28-30,000 rpm so you could put it on a gearbox as well. If my studied are detailed well enough that can pull a prop that will take you beyond 500km/h and wont be very heavy at all. 230 grams plus the gearbox.
It had already sparked to the stator carrier, as I noticed during the final assembly, when I wanted to break all the sharp milling edges.
The last step was to glue the winding with 'Endfest'.
Tomorrow I can put the engine together and send it on its way back.
And on Wednesday we will continue with the 5045 speed engine, if it makes the way from Sweden according to plan......
VG Ralph
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Never feed a black troll!
Uh oh!!! Thats certainly not going to stay put above 100C* and it is fully!! insulated at .15 watts per meter kelvin on Kapton it is not going to stick to. You need a special electronics adhesive for that. Ralph. I guess you posted this pre signature..... Well anyways did you put endfest on the 5045 too? When DZhamel is pulling 400 amperes with your 5050 what are the motor temperatures there?
Since everyone knows you are responding remotely here is a question about this beautifully wound speeder motor that's you say windings are good for 1 min at 280 amperes. When a motor like this hits its peaks around 400 amperes what temps do the windings see? You are going to put endfest on these coils the same way right PC?
A detailed study of a German 3226 notes... for an American pilot interested in a speed plane using a pyro 600 which is a better lighter motor. This is the potential of a lesser motor according to a German tuner.
"Hello Steve, you can be happy, the 3226 with the 5:1 super chief even set a new record. I opted for the 5:1, because with the geared drive, the power comes more from the speed. As a 10-pole he rotates a maximum of 49000U on the YGE, which he does without complaint, that's 9800U, I don't need more from accelerated with the GM18x22.
I wound it up to 1160U/V with max. fill level and operate it on the modified Opto135 with 3x SLS 4s1800 2NOC. The 350g drive rotates the GM18x22 with 8800U at 9.9kW 43V 230A on the test bench, and that even with 80% efficiency at 88% speed stiffness, all measured with Unilog2, according to the speed calculator at least 12kg thrust. After 5x 3 seconds with a 20-second break, the gearbox has 50°, the motor 70° and the controller 75, all without cooling air flow on the test bench. The regulator gets a heat sink that is screwed to the top of the fuselage so that the motor cables don't rub against the bell.
The 250g motor has an output of 40W/g and thus takes the lone lead. I noticed it very positively 8 years ago. However, he is already waving the white flag, the synclost protection in the YGE has already addressed so that he reduces the PWM to 99%. When the voltage drops and the load in the air drops, it quickly goes to 100%, so it is set up just right. It is amazing that the 2NOC cells keep preheated to 48° 125C with 3.5V/cell for 1-2sek, after that the load decreases by 40% anyway.
The transmission still seems underpowered, only the GM spinner is at its torque limit, the flattening of the waves is counterproductive. If Christian's feet fall asleep, I still have the GM17x26, which is rotated at 9200 rpm and should enable over 100m/s climb. When the 2nd fuselage is there everything will be installed, I hope I can get there with the motor cables in the fuselage, will come to almost 2kg, i.e. 5kW/kg. Then it's time to wait for good weather again. VG Thomas (Schmiddi)"
I know how to take ideas too... I just wont pass them to my peeps as they were mine. This is a damn good idea from someone brighter than Ralph over yonder.
Gefällt seinem Freund also die Tatsache, dass das Endfest die Hitze in den Wicklungen einschließt, wie der Pyro, den er gemacht hat, und dass es bei 100 °C schmilzt? Ich sehe nicht, dass er etwas über die Theorie hinter dem minderwertigen Produkt postet, das er verwendet, um seine Wicklungen in 1000-Euro-Motoren zu sichern. Mir gefallen die Fotos seiner ausgebrannten Motoren und der abgestürzten Flugzeuge am besten. Er isoliert gerne Hitze in seinen Wicklungen und verwendet Standardstahllager. Ok, klingt fantastisch.
Thermisch stabil bis zu viel höheren Temperaturen und 10-mal bessere Wärmeleitfähigkeit, Ralph. Kannst du näher auf deine Studien eingehen, Liebling?
This is my America handicraft , I know it won't get a like you end fest. Ralph.
He like to use my ideas like open air wye bundles in his engines but call me a pure theorist on the German social media but that's okay. Im still more Chic and stylish than him so what I did is purposely left them uncovered with silver solder and put them out in the breeze way within the motors form factor so the cowl directed air may have maximum effect on the windings,
Ein-Junge und seine Punk-Freunde wissen, dass sie auf diesen Scheiß stehen … LOL!
Well Ralph they all 3 measured the same so off they go. Hopefully you will get some good log date from me in the contra. They're in a box labeled bruh. So just like the bearings. You are going to stay with the end fest insulation ???
Oh! So you dont have anything to say in Germany now. LOL I knew we wouldnt get the answer about alll the endfest you gobbed onto the pyro. Yeah thats an awful! hotbox.
wie dein Atem
Poste mehr über meine detaillierten Studien und worauf ich meine Aufmerksamkeit richten muss
Du ziehst also diesen ganzen Mist auf diese schönen Spulen, nur um vor deinen Freunden dein Gesicht zu wahren und zu zeigen, dass du mehr über Elektronik weißt als ich. Mann, du bist verrückt. Wenn du das tust, zeigst du, dass du eigentlich nichts weißt.
Genau wie die Lager den Jungs in Deutschland sagen, dass die thermische Kopplung bei hohen Temperaturen nicht sinnvoll ist, also werden Sie 100 °C Endfest verwenden, den Isolator mit 0,15 Watt pro Meter Kelvin, auf diesen schönen Spulen Es ist also ungefähr 10 mal weniger als das Kapton
Before and after his endfest on such coils. Look at this nonsense. And you see how effective it was.. He is talking about me on the german social media but look at this crap.
Yes I can and so I have 4X.... you can track it.....
And we have a new 2 motor D-drive contra that laughs at the Scorpion contra Drive Ralph....Its proprietary so you can see it just yet but all the cad models STL etc are available to me. I can tell you it will be of some type of composite nature. I'm sure I will build several prototypes here by various means.
Für die Deutschen werde ich einen Skorpion fachgerecht wickeln und für schwere Beladung vorbereiten. Er reduziert die Isolationsklasse H auf 100°C endfest. Das will man nicht!
Hier ist Ralph Okons Motor und das Enfest, das er verwendet. Ja, der Afroamerikaner sagt, das ist Mülles ist immer wieder der gleiche alte Mist